New Music/New Look

Hey everyone! I’ve been busy cookin’ up some new music and making progress towards larger upcoming releases. I wanted to take a moment to get into the meat and potatoes of my creative art.

Many people have asked me how I approach all of the different material I release. Others have asked about selecting equipment, musical influences and inspiration. I hope to answer these questions and many more in upcoming posts.

In a time where musicians and their music seek to define a genre or sound, especially for marketing and social media aspects, I’ve chosen to allow my compositions to define themselves. Though it wouldn’t be difficult for me to organize and write within a singular focus in music, it would limit my creativity and voice. If you take a listen to my current catalog you’ll find country, rock, jazz and improvised music. As a multi-instrumentalist it’s common to learn to play many different styles. In some songs you’ll experience melodies or harmony that are indicative of popular music. And other times you’ll notice deeper, more challenging technique required for jazz and world music.

No matter what the muse may sing to me, I echo her songs and stories and the music comes alive as I write and record. Since I can remember there has always been music in my mind and I’ve spent my entire life learning the many ways in which to communicate the sounds inside my head.

Though it may not be entirely obvious to my listeners or anyone who happens to come across my page or music, all of the material you’ve come to enjoy is written, improvised, and engineered all by myself. Since the pandemic began I made a promise to share my art with the world and to do everything musically related on my own. Since we’ve all had to close up within our homes and apartments, it was easy to lock myself up in my studio and let the creative juices flow. I’ve been learning more about post-production engineering; specifically improving mixing and mastering techniques.

Much of the music and art that we’ve come to discover and enjoy since the coronavirus wouldn’t have been made possible without this tragic event. Some where along the way we all have had to make significant sacrifices to survive. My music, along with many others, is my attempt to bring some light back into our world.
